Tuesday, October 19, 2010

13th Week

Week 13 of the resources class. Without wasting any time, let’s look into the major events of the day. Ok, this week we have submitted 4 things which are:

1) Module 2
2) Individual work (task 1)
3) Pair work (task 2-eBook)
4) Group work (lesson plans)

Talking about the tasks, it was a good exercise to practice what we have learned in the module. I personally learned a lot about photo editing while doing the tasks rather than doing the module itself. Although software such as photoshop was very difficult for me, later I managed to learn it and I applied it in editing pictures for my tasks. I am really happy that now I have learned and able to use various software to edit photos.
Now let's move on to the next agenda. Currently
we are working on the module 4 which is the video editing. This module is another good instrument as we can learn about video editing by using software such as Cyberlink power director, Cyberlink powerDVD, Windows movie maker, HJ-split and many more. It is really fun working on this module because now I am able to make and edit my own videos.

As we all know, each module comes with some tasks. The same goes to module 4. Pn. Foziah asked us to create a story board for the task 2 which is the pair work before the class itself. Pn. Foziah checked the story board and gave some comments on how to improve it. As for me and my partner, we choose the topic ‘humanity’ and we are still working on it. Hopefully I can apply the skills that I have learned from the module in creating the video.
That’s all for this week’s entry. Bye...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

12th week

Time flies very fast. I feel like just entered this semester but it’s already the 12th week. Yes, we are in the 12th week of resources class too. Last week was about editing pictures using various tools and software. Not to be forgotten that there are tasks to be completed after the module. This week, Pn Foziah is going to check the task 2 which is the ebook. Before doing so, Pn Foziah showed us some of the ebooks that have been done by her students. The ebooks are very interesting, colourful and of course it is attractive. Pn Foziah also reminded us on some important thing about the ebooks.
She reminded us

- to chose good quality pictures

- to insert the navigation keys
- to insert sound

- to have a theme, characterization and plot

After that, Pn Foziah went around checking all the ebooks and gave her comments and opinion. The comments given by her is very useful to improve the ebooks. Later on, Pn Foziah gave 2 sets of module which is the continuation of module 2. These two sets are continuation of module 2 using the adobe photoshop CS3 software. It is quite lot, but I am sure that we will learn something new from those tutorials.

Later, Pn Foziah asked the class to move forward to the front of the class because she wanted to show us some examples on video editing. She showed the edited video of Chun and Ella. The videos are really wonderful and it gives a basic idea to me on how video editing works and its product. Although we do not get the module 4 yet, Pn Foziah asked us to choose a theme for our video editing task. My partner and I chosed ‘Humanity’ as our theme and we really hope to create a meaningful video soon.
That’s all for this week, bye.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

11th Week

This week’s class is a continuation on the tasks of module 2 which is the photo editing. Pn Foziah showed her collection of edited photos. The photos are really amazing and it does carry a message or story as what Pn Foziah asked us to do. Although it is just a single piece of photo, the message is very clear and interesting. Hope I can edit a photo which carries a story too. Next, she also reminded us to place our name or signature on the edited photos. This is to show ownership and to avoid others from plagiarizing our edited pictures or photos.

After that, Pn Foziah asked us to work back on our photos and create a more meaningful photo rather than simply adjusting the brightness, cropping adding text and so on. From the input given by Pn Foziah and her collection, I decided to combine 2 pictures. Yes I decided to make a superimpose photo of myself in opera house. As Pn Foziah reminded, I have included my name in the photo to show the ownership. Below is the original and the edited photo.

That’s all for this week’s entry, See you all in the next entry. Bye…