Fourth week of PBEY3102, there are still four groups left to present from the previous week’s task. 4 groups to present, meaning that I am going to learn and absorb a lot of things today.
The first group presented on “working with young language learners”. Basically, children are born with innate abilities to absorb language therefore they do not come to school with empty hands. Young learners have the ability to understand what we say although they do not understand each and every words uttered by us. As a teacher, we should understand this situation and should not label any student negatively. With proper teaching learning process, the pupils will be able to grasp the language. Therefore, it is the teacher’s responsibility to carry out activities which suits the pupils in order to enhance their understanding.
The second group presented on ‘Children’s Instinct for play and fun’. Play and fun, these two things are very essential in the development of a child. Even adults love fun and of course young learners love it too in their learning. The major point here is how the teachers can carry out a lesson which does no bore the pupils who loves to play and expecting fun in everything they do. As a future English language teacher, this would not be an awkward situation for us. We can use colourful and beautiful pictures, use songs, videos, carry out plays, dramas and introduce language games such as ‘Hang-man’ and many more.
Next, the third group presented on ‘children’s creative use of limited language resources’. We know that young children are able to convey a message although the words and the sentence are grammatically incorrect. Young children uses or actually imitates gestures to convey messages as well. Although with limited language resources, young children are still able to convey a message due to the creativity which they learn and expanded through their daily life experiences.
The role of imagination, this is the last topic and it was presented by my group. This topic is mainly about how imagination plays a vital role in a child’s development and how we as teachers can encourage their imagination. There are many ways where a teacher can encourage imagination in a child. For instance, teachers can carry out activities such as ‘hot seating’, ‘role play’ and many more. Besides, teachers also can carry out their lessons using the Desuggestopedia method where the pupils are asked to close their eyes and imagine while the teacher narrates a story. This will provide ample space for the pupils to develop their imagination as well as grasp the input given by the teacher.
After the presentations, Pn. Foziah introduced us to MOYEA. By using this software, we can download songs and videos very fast. This software is very useful as it saves time and we can download the songs and videos whenever we want as it only takes a few minutes or even less than that. Next, Pn.Foziah showed us a module on ‘how to search a song’ and taught us how to print the screen. The input given by Pn. Foziah, was very useful as it is new for me. Hope to learn more from Pn. Foziah and our resources class.

With this, i would like to attach a video which is related to children's imagination.